
Many of you may know that I like connecting with people on social media, and I do a lot of “connecting” with unscripted videos. If you’ve watched any of The Votta Group videos on YouTube or Facebook or Instagram, you may have intuited that we are regularly “putting ourselves out there.”

While our videos are unscripted, they are not unplanned. In fact, we are intentionally embracing vulnerability in the hopes of connecting at a deeper level with our viewers and followers. We want to get connected and stay connected with you.

It’s 2021, and we have now entered the Lunar New Year, when we are reminded of a Chinese Proverb, “He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg.” What does that mean??? While some may think we’re crazy when we put ourselves out there, others may think we’re fearless. In fact, we are being intentional about embracing our vulnerability.

Dr. Brene Brown is a prolific speaker and writer on the “Power of Vulnerability.” Dr. Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston. Her TEDx Houston talk on the subject is one of the most viewed TED talks in history.

We share Dr. Brown’s view that allowing ourselves to be vulnerable makes us a better person, a better parent, and in my case: a better coach. By the way, I think I have the best job in the world; it’s why I picked it. I have found that when I’m willing to be vulnerable, it allows my clients to open up. And that’s where the breakthroughs happen in coaching.

Many of us grew up in families or cultures or institutions that taught us to be very guarded and “controlled.” It was a way of dealing with our fears. And we all have fears. Moving past the fear of judgment is at the heart of embracing our vulnerability. But it is a learned process, and one that we can help you with through coaching. Our goal is to lead by example.

Over the past year, I have embraced this fear of judgment in a very public way: not just through videos on social media. I have been writing a book: a book about me. That is REALLY putting myself out there! Hearing that our coaching has made a difference in people’s lives helped us move past our fear.

I am inspired by my clients every single day. For one thing, they have shown me their vulnerability with their willingness to be coachable. They go outside of their comfort zones, and they inspire me to be more coachable.

Please connect with us socially, digitally, or through a complementary coaching call. The first step is getting connected. Whether you need help with referrals or networking or business coaching and consulting, we are here.

We recently celebrated our big embrace of vulnerability, when my book was published. What will you do to move past your fears? Coaching may help you open that new business; provide a new service; publish your book; or write that letter you’ve been waiting years to write. Whatever it is, we can help!
